A traveling innovation firm
A Nimble Approach

Our Approach


What Makes Us Tick

how we work

A Nimble Approach

A Nimble Approach

Complex challenges require a resilient mindset. We plan our research meticulously and pivot with purpose.

Solving Important Problems

Solving Important Problems

We work with clients who share our passion for improving the human experience in ways that count.

Living the Problem

Living the Problem

We use all of our senses to understand what it feels like to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes.


Unplugged Ethnography

Unplugged Ethnography

Research takes unpredictable turns. We carry extra batteries and let our instincts drive.

The Why Behind the What

The Why Behind the What

We are obsessed with getting to the heart of what drives human behavior. 

Everyday Innovators

Everyday Innovators

We take inspiration from people who solve problems in simple, clever, economical ways. 

Stories that Speak For Themselves

Stories that Speak For Themselves

We transform data into narratives that bring insights to life.

Super Models

Super Models

We transform data into direction. Our behavioral models shine a light on the moments our clients can create value.

Playing to Strengths

Playing to Strengths

We craft strategies that amplify the things our clients do better than anyone else.

Brain Food

Brain Food

We create inspirational stimuli that push insights toward ideation. 

Real World Constraints

Real World Constraints

For new ideas to succeed, they must be grounded in reality. We use practical constraints as a catalyst for our creative process. 



We invent new methods to test ideas that seem ahead of their time.

Fearless Trial and Error

Fearless Trial and Error

Looking the fool is part the job. We keep our egos in check and stay open to brutally honest feedback.



Ambiguity is the mother of innovation. We embrace it.